A Quick Guide to Mortgage Protection Insurance
A Quick Guide to Mortgage Protection Insurance
by Craig Elliott
December 31st, 2007
Mortgage protection insurance is a form of insurance that has become more popular in recent years. This insurance can cover injury, illness, and even death, and helps to make sure that you and your family won't fall behind on mortgage payments should the unexpected happen. There are several different types of mortgage protection insurance offered by a number of different insurance agencies, so if you have been considering purchasing this insurance then it's important that you take the time to know exactly what it is that you're buying before you sign on the dotted line.
What Mortgage Protection Insurance Is
Mortgage protection insurance is a specialized type of life, health, or disability insurance that focuses not on funeral or medical expenses but instead on making sure that your mortgage payment doesn't fall behind. Different insurance providers may provide different payout options or benefits packages, but the end result is that if you are injured, fall sick to the point that you cannot work, or are killed, then the insurance payout is sent to you, your family, or in some cases to the mortgage provider directly to ensure that your house or other mortgaged real estate doesn't run the risk of foreclosure.
Knowing How Your Insurance Works
It is important that you understand exactly how different types of insurance work so you can choose whether this insurance would be in your best interest. Since there are different types of mortgage protection insurance different insurance providers may pay out differently
Mortgage protection insurance that is sold as health or accident insurance is designed to provide short-term relief while you recover in order to help keep you from falling behind on your mortgage in the time that you are unable to work. There is often a limit as to how long you will continue to receive payments from this insurance, and depending upon the policy it may be as short as three months or as long as six months to a year or more.
Mortgage protection insurance that is sold as a form of life insurance is designed to help your family pay off the mortgage in the event that you should pass away. This insurance works much like any other life insurance, though in some cases it may be paid directly to the bank or mortgage lender specified in the policy. More often, however, the policy simply pays out to your family so that they can pay the mortgage as well as use some of the money to cover funeral costs or other expenses.
Costs, Benefits, and Potential Problems
The cost of mortgage protection insurance tends to be in line with other forms of disability or life insurance, though that cost will obviously vary depending upon your personal medical history, habits and the insurance agency who you buy it from. Likewise, the benefits of the insurance are quite similar to other types of insurance that fill the same general role. Mortgage protection insurance serves as security to help make sure that you're going to be able to make all of your payments even if something unexpected or tragic happens; in some cases you may even be able to lock in a lower interest rate for having the insurance as it serves as an additional guarantee to your mortgage lender.
Unlike some of these other insurance types, however, some mortgage protection insurance policies can be very specific about the payouts that they make and the circumstances that they will pay out under. It's very important that you take the time to make sure that you understand the specific policy that you're considering before you buy it in order to make sure that the insurance company is going to pay out the money that you or your family needs when they need it.
Finding the Best Deal
If you have decided to purchase mortgage protection insurance it's important that you locate the insurance provider that will not only offer you the policy that you want but also will give you a good deal on that policy. Take the time to shop around both at insurance agencies in your area as well as online to see which places offer mortgage protection policies and the prices that they are willing to offer you for them. Collect quotes from several different agencies and websites, comparing the amount of coverage that each provides, the circumstances that they'll pay out under, and the overall price that it will cost you per month or per payment period for the insurance. If buying a life insurance option, talk it over with your spouse or family to get their input on it. Ideally you're going to want to find the best balance between price and coverage that you can.
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About Author:
Craig Elliott is a freelance writer who writes about topics pertaining to the mortgage industry such as Mortgage Company | Refinance Home Mortgage
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